I have been nominated for the Liebster Award, thank you Haley! I now have the privilege to share a little about myself to all you bloggers far and wide.
Here are the rules...
#1: Acknowledge the blog that nominated you.
Haley at Pure Reflections
#2: Answer the 11 questions that the nominating blogger asked.
1. Where were you born?
Panorama City, LA
Panorama City, LA
2. How old were you when you started your blog?
I was 15
3. What's you purpose for keeping a blog?
I had a lot of spare time and my dad encouraged me to start and blog as a way to keep up with writing and give me a hobby.
4. What's your biggest pet peeve?
When people smack their gum.
5. Do you have a signature trait, like an article of clothing or a word that is distinctly YOU?
When people smack their gum.
5. Do you have a signature trait, like an article of clothing or a word that is distinctly YOU?
My two braids. (some people call them pigtails but I refuse to call them that)
6. What's the scariest thing you've ever done?
Hiking in the mountains on a trail that was covered in snow and ice, it was really scary because the trail was a little ledge that dropped off the side of the mountain and it was really slippery. That is the scariest thing I can think of. I have done other scary things but I would consider them more of a thrill!
7. How old were you when you were saved and became a Christian?
Hiking in the mountains on a trail that was covered in snow and ice, it was really scary because the trail was a little ledge that dropped off the side of the mountain and it was really slippery. That is the scariest thing I can think of. I have done other scary things but I would consider them more of a thrill!
7. How old were you when you were saved and became a Christian?
8. What's your favorite pastime?
Sewing. I absolutely love it, however I love reading just as much and I would never be able to pick one above the other.
9. What's your favorite book of the Bible and why?
Esther. She was a Godly woman with strong faith in God. She had a steadfast love for God and her people, and was willing to perish for God's people, the Jews. Esther is has inspired and encouraged me greatly.
10. Do you play and instrument, and if so, how long have you played?
I play piano and have been playing for 6 years. I'm currently trying to learn guitar.
11.Sweet or sour candy?
Definitely Sour. Anything sour.
#3: List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve recognition.
I don't even know of that many blogs, and the few that I do know have already been nominated along the way, so I'm just gonna nominate them anyway:)
I don't even know of that many blogs, and the few that I do know have already been nominated along the way, so I'm just gonna nominate them anyway:)
#4: Write 11 questions for them to answer.
1. What, or who, was your inspiration for starting a blog?
2. What is your fondest memory growing up?
3. If you could meet any Biblical person (besides Jesus) who would it be and why?
4. If you could live in any time period, past or future, where would you live?
5. What's the most exciting thing that you've done or has happened to you?
6. Tiny house lots of space, big house little yard?
7. Coffee or Tea?
8. What makes you smile the biggest, broadest, and most often?
9. What is your passion for your future?
10. If you were an inventor, what would be your biggest invention?
11. What are you most afraid of ?
#5: Notify them that they've been nominated!
2. What is your fondest memory growing up?
3. If you could meet any Biblical person (besides Jesus) who would it be and why?
4. If you could live in any time period, past or future, where would you live?
5. What's the most exciting thing that you've done or has happened to you?
6. Tiny house lots of space, big house little yard?
7. Coffee or Tea?
8. What makes you smile the biggest, broadest, and most often?
9. What is your passion for your future?
10. If you were an inventor, what would be your biggest invention?
11. What are you most afraid of ?
#5: Notify them that they've been nominated!
Of course!
Thanks Haley for nominating me, it was a lot of fun to answer your questions!
Thanks Haley for nominating me, it was a lot of fun to answer your questions!
Great post Lacy! Very informative and interesting!!:)