
Monday, April 27, 2015


As a graduation gift my parents took me to see Broadway's Newsies!!! We saw it in Hollywood at the Pantages Theatre.  
I was so so so excited and it was amazing and more!  I soaked in every minute of it and it made me even more a Newsies fanatic...not that I wasn't before.
The Theatre was gorgeous. 
There was so much excitement in the air and I was smiling the entire night:)
We ran into some friends from church and it was really fun to see them! 
 And of course the night couldn't be complete without a selfie in our seats!
The cast looked fabulous and the singing and dancing was incredible!!!! It was a night never to be forgotten.


  1. I keep hearing about Newsies... I should watcich it :)

  2. That must have been so epic!! The only time I ever saw Newsies was with you and I am still all into it...what have you done to me, Lacy?? ;P
    You look so pretty in all the pictures!! :)


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